I'm in Florida at the moment for a friend's wedding, after which I'll be driving back up the east coast to transport a large collection of old vinyl records that were bequeathed unto me more than a year ago. I've included some selected images at the bottom of this post.

I didn't want to mail them to New York because I thought they might be damaged in transit - therefore, this seemed like a good time to make the trip. I'm going to take some pictures and such over the scope of the journey and post them here, which I hope will turn out to be at least somewhat interesting (especially the 'such'). Furthermore, I also recently received another collection of vinyl from my great aunt Lois, which I will most certainly document at the earliest possible opportunity.

Above all, I simply want to treat these collections with respect - these items were purchased and cared for over the years by people who enjoyed listening to this music - and I look forward to enjoying and learning from it in order to evolve further as a musician...
